Shayla LaVeaux hopes for a Happy Father’s Day to all applicable fans!
Van stops by to see his girl, but she’s out. Luckily his girl’s mom, Shayla LaVeaux, is there. Van and Shayla get to talking and Van confesses that his girl doesn’t want sex as much as he does. Luckily, Shayla is there to take care of Van’s problem.
A couple of months back in Shayla LaVeaux Shooting Schedule: Winter 2016 [1], I mentioned that Shayla and Jay Crew worked out a lil’ sumpin’ sumpin’ content trade in Las Vegas earlier this year. Did I also mention that Lon and I shot BTS for their scene? Why, of course, I did!
01/21 – SHAYLA.COM (a) with Sexy Vanessa G/G (b) with Jay Crew B/G
For AEE Week 2016, Shayla LaVeaux had content trade shoots arranged with five veteran adult performers. Unfortunately, three of them flaked. That being the case, there was only shooting on Thursday, January 21. D.Minion was not attending the convention this year, so I was tasked with taking BTS still photos in her stead. Continue reading Shayla LaVeaux shooting schedule: Winter 2016