October Update

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been really busy, but wanted to keep you all informed. It’s difficult for me to keep up with my Message Board on my site, and still find time to write on my Blog. But I love my fans, so I’ll give you a Reader’s Digest version of some of the things we’ve been talking about on my Message Board.

I had a great time visiting with friends in Delaware. There wasn’t much of an orgy but def some couples and singles enjoying the free-spirited party. Was a bit different than usual, but tons of fun and lots of eye candy!! I took some pics and will try to post a G-Rated one on my Blog — as soon as I can get the pics to my webmaster.

We’ve been thinking about our mortality. We talked about my first photo shoot, which was shot by the late Clive McLean (in his back yard), makeup by his wife Erica McLean. Clive wanted me a bit more tan for this shoot, so while he built the set I sat in the sun. The beginning of the notorious tan lines. This is one of the few shoots I did without boobs.

Unfortunately, the sun isn’t good for you, so I had to have had a couple of “bad” spots taken off a few months ago. That’s why I no longer have my tan lines! I kind of miss them, but not worth the long term effects.

Is it that we’re getting older, or are people getting sicker? It seems like there is a lot of loss and sickness. This conversation and ? has come up quite a bit lately.

Within the last 2 wks my BFF’s mom has been diagnosed with a very very rare cancer, and another friend’s cousin died of brain cancer.

Now I really understand, “Live life to the fullest, ’cause you never know if there’s going to be a tomorrow.” I try to do that every day!

On a lighter note, we had a great chat about music. I love Evanescence! I used to dance to “Bring Me Back to Life”. I think that was the name of it. There was always water and bubbles involved, and if the club allowed it — dildos! We love a happy ending!!!

Stay healthy and happy!



7 thoughts on “October Update”

  1. Nov. 15th, 2011

    Dear Shayla, Now I understand why you no longer have the beautiful tan lines – your milky-white breasts always looked so sexy compared to your California Tan – but not-to-worry, your breasts are still “Picture Perfect” in my opinion !

    I would like to send you a birthday card for your birthday in December. Is your mailing address still Box 322, Chatsworth, CA ? Please reply and let me know by December 1st . . . and if you have a new mailing address, please let me know so I can send you a birthday card, . . . and a Valentine’s Day card. (I sent you a dozen Valentine’s Day cards at one time several years ago – I remember you really liked them!).

    Take care, Happy Thanksgiving ! Love Ya ! I love watching your Video scenes !

    Shayla’s Number 1 Fan

    1. Hi honey,

      I’m so sorry for the delay in getting back to you!!
      Thank you for the sweet message. Yes times have changed and so must the tan lines!!
      I still get mail at that PO box. I usually don’t get it immediately but, I do get it. I’ll be seeing the folks that get the mail there in Jan.

      Thank you for your support and beautiful cards through the years. I have them in a very safe/ special place.

      Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!!
      Live Love Laugh

  2. The Evanescence song title is actually only “Bring Me to Life”.
    Their first hit song from their debut album FALLEN (2003).

    People in general are getting older because of a little something called penicillin. And, yes, they are getting sicker because they DON’T DIE. The longer one lives, the more illnesses one will contract. The bacterial infections which used to snuff people within a week of contraction are under control; the recurring viral infections which remain within the human body and never totally expunged are not. In other words, back in the day, the first major bacterial infection one got hit with would normally prove fatal, so one body did not have enough lifespan to succumb to viruses or lingering immunological illnesses like cancer.

  3. Hello sweet lady,…

    Quite reflective lately, eh? I think we’re just getting older, … people have always gotten sick, but it isn’t until we age and OUR people are affected that it strikes us and invades our thoughts. And the longer we hold on, the more we’ll see…

    Alas, the same awaits us all, so the only answer is to LIVE! How to manage a life worth living, however, is the perplexing thought for us all. My goal is to be good, and do good. My happiness comes from that of my people, and if I can help create some of their happiness myself, all the better!

    Same with the sex,…. like any guy, and most girls, I live for it. But not in a animalistic “screw to screw” way, but for the feeling. The touch, the connection,… the giving! I’m envious of all the experience your lifestyle affords you! The “free-spiritedness” of a party with lots of participents,…yummmm,… I guess maybe I’m just a show-off! (But you knew that!)

    Goes back to that life thing,…. open to opportunity, and never going to pass up a chance for pleasure, especially just because it doesn’t meet conventional styles of thinking.

    Well,… here’s my thoughts! It’s a blast knowing you’re there to read them! I guess I shouldn’t end every message like a gushing fanboy and tell you how great you are,.. but I AM a gushing fanboy, and you are really great!

    1. Hi honey,

      Wow, you have a way with words!!!! Thank you so much for your wisdom and insight!!

      I think when we’re faced with these sorts of things it really gets you thinking. I know I am looking at life differently these days, — and LIVING life, fully and kindly is my #1 goal!! I have started reaching out to old friends and reconnecting with people that I have lost contact with through the years. We all get so busy in our lives that we forget what’s really important.

      When we met years ago you took a BIG chance, but when the opportunity was there you it took and ran with it. I’m so grateful that you did. I had the privilege of meeting a wonderful and kind gentleman!!!

      Recently I attended a funeral and a beautiful poem was read called The Dash by Linda Ellis. To me it says it all!!! I still have a lot to do during my Dash!!

      Have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Healthy New Year!!

      Live life to the fullest – Love fully – Laugh often

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